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Super sympa, très juicy, même j'aimerais beaucoup avoir une option de Twin Stick Shooter avec le stick droit je trouve ce jeu très réussi


Salut ! Content de savoir que t'as aimé le jeu ! :) Pourquoi aimerais-tu une option twin stick ? Est-ce parce que tu trouves que c'est difficile de viser ? Peux-tu développer plus ? Merci pour ton commentaire ! 

Oui je trouve que c'est difficile de viser en l'état vu que la visée c'est aussi le déplacement, je comprend que ça permet de faire moins de contrôles à retenir pour un joueur lambda mais ça ne nuirait pas à l'expérience de quiconque d'avoir en option le stick droit qui tire dans une autre direction que celle du déplacement du stick gauche !


This game is the definition of juiced. I love the fact that the game only gets better (w/ hidden items and strats) even after multiple deaths.

I saw this on's cover, and knew that it was a game I'd love to play, though I didn't at the time, being strapped for cash and under the impression that it was paid. This truly is the epitome of game design.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you so much! I'm glad that you liked my game. If you'd like a download key, you can hit me up on Discord (@yolwoocle), with proof that it's you, and I'll send you one :) 

Slick! Thank you.


Good! a game!



Would still like the game to have official controller support, but thanks to AntiMicroX, I could finally reach the end!

I'm sorry I forgot to answer to your comment a year ago! Just wanted to say that the game now has controller support!


Nice! Just played it again. The game’s come a long way in a little over a year. You’ve got yourself a wishlist!

Thank you so much! 🙂


This game is so fun!! I love button smashing sometimes, and this feels like I can lean into that here.


Wish I could play, but I am left handed and it hurts so much to play


That is something I never considered. You can use WASD keys and B/N to play, but ideally at some point I'll add keybind customization. It was originally planned for release but I couldn't make it work before the deadline. Thank you for your feedback!

The problem with the B and N with WASD, is that it really cramps up your hands

Like you either use one hand (uncomfortable), use two hands (crowded and awkward), or use right hand (which hurts to do for me).

It is definitely better than C/X.

It also just feels weird in general that jump isn't space like in most games too especially considering how hard it is to hit the keys in the row above the space bar.

If you could add keybind customisation I think this game could be really fun and playable for me, as I like  bugs a lot and this looks neat.


Hey! Just a heads up: the game now has keyboard customization in preparation for a future Steam release. Thank you for expressing your feedback! 😄


there’s so much to like about this. My one critique is I don’t like that the health and ammo float next to the player. It’s not necessary and is more distracting than having it on the edge of the screen 


Hi! Glad that you liked my game! The reason the GUI floats above the player is because originally the game was supposed to be multiplayer, and having the health bar floating above each player was the best way to display this information. Now that the game is single player, I completely agree with you that it's unnecessary. I never noticed this. Thank you for the feedback! 


key settings bad

(1 edit)

Hi! Could you please develop on what you mean by this?




Big red button >:)


totally loved! give me good nitrome vibes, like a small flash game that I would play as a kid! awesome work!


I take that as a compliment! Thank you so much for playing!


I just made it to level 161! This game is so fun.


That is very impressive! I'm glad that my game could bring you joy :)


Cool little game.


Very nice experience 


Very fun


I really love these arcade style of gameplay! Mowing through enemies and sometimes getting a gun power-up is super addicting! I also love that some enemies need a different approach in fighting them and not everything is shooty mcshooter! 

Loved the aesthetic and gameplay overall! Would have loved more levels and maybe even a boss fight!


Thank you so much for playing! I am so glad that you enjoyed my game. :)


Aw man! The glass breaking sounds at the end don't work. That sucks! I'll have to look into this. At least I'm now aware of this issue, thank you for making this video!


This is amazing!

I'm not sure how feasible this is in LOVE, but if you're able to add controller support, I would definitely do so. This game would feel amazing on a controller.

I will consider this in the future! Thank you for your feedback! :)

That's a lot of fun!

Thank you!

i can advertise by making a few videos on it on my youtube channel if you want me to dm me!

Do as you please! I'm indifferent about whether you do it or not! 


Bugscraper Walkthrough


Massive Nitrome vibes!
This is some great stuff 👍


I love Nitrome, so I am very happy to hear this! :) Thank you!


This game is inspiring to develop games. It was so much fun!


So glad that I could inspire you! Thank you for playing and good luck with your gamedev journey! :)


addicting as heck




Lots of fun!!!!


3 floors from the end... again!


Aw mate! You'll get it next time! :)


I'm terrible at this, but it's super fun!


I'm so glad to know this!! :) You'll get better at it I'm sure!!!


Super fun right out the gate....yes rocket jumping! hah


The mechanics and juicy of the game are awesome!!!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you noticed them!

Wow! The game feels really good to play and the combos add a lot! It's nice to see another great game made with LÖVE ;)

Here's my time and max combo:


What an amazing combo!! I'm so glad to know that you enjoyed my game and thank you for finishing it :)


I introduced your game. By the way, I found your game very successful.


Hi! Thank you very much for your review! Cheers from France – I'll consider more language options if I ever work on this game again :D


Take it easy now, on that subject. By the way, thank you for your reply to my message.


It feels amazing! I'd be happy to see and play a full game!


Thanks! Glad to know you enjoyed it!!


13 combo lets go 5:16 speedrun


Congratulations!!!! Thank you for playing my game! :D




i love this game, multiplayer would be good a autoaim gun would be nice


the pollen burst isn't that great.


Really great game! Any chance of gamepad support?


Hopefully but I don't have much time to implement new stuff right now!


very juicy, love it


This is awesome :D The spiky guys are my bane

Glad you enjoyed my game! And yeah, spiked flies are way too hard, I'm working on an update to fix this, and more!


This game is pretty fun! Some pains, though.

The weapon system is just frustrating. Some feel infinitely better than others (shotgun my treasure), and avoiding picking up a weapon is really difficult since when they drop is a bit unreadable, and it can screw you over if you’re relying on your current one. They even suction to you! It’s also very strange that only some of them auto reload, and that there’s no manual reload button.

Also it feels like enemies take too long to die to bullets, especially the spiky ones you can’t jump on. They’re probably the ones i dislike the most: Going up puts you at a disadvantage (since they group up and make it very hard to avoid alongside other things), and you don’t have nearly enough weapon fire to cover and stay on the ground. If there was a way to move vertically (like a dash, or your gun actually pushing you in a vertical direction) then it would be a lot more manageable, but as it is it feels like if you get 4 of those icy spike guys and a few of the shells you just are guaranteed to lose lives. Might be able to sum this up as “skill issue”, not sure, but it doesn’t feel very good to deal with.

A funny way to solve both the no reloading problem and adding vertical movement at once would be to add a blast that fires the rest of your ammo (and auto starts reloading) and launches you.

Cool game!


I think the guns are supossed to be just a jetpack really, i think the spiky enemies just needs less health.

Thank you very much for you feedback! You're not the first way to say that guns feel weak or that the enemies are too strong, especially the spiked flies.

By the way, there is a way to move vertically using guns! By aiming down and shooting, your gun acts like a jetpack. Maybe I didn't communicate this feature well enough, please tell me if you didn't know about it! 

And I really like your idea of blast, which could act as a sort of dual-purpose reloading system.

I'll work on an update to improve these points, and thank you for playing! :)

I made a mistake in my wording, I didn’t mean vertical, I meant horizontal! I mix the two up often. I’m aware that you can use the gun to jet pack, the problem is mostly that it doesn’t work horizontally, and counter intuitively you’ll always move the direction you shoot left and right but shooting downwards moves you up. It feels a bit awkward! Lack of fast air horizontal movement is why I suggested the blast system.

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